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How Much Light Does a Monstera Need: A Detailed Guide

How Much Light Does a Monstera Need: A Detailed Guide

how much light monstera need

Determining how much light does a monstera need can be difficult for both a novice and a seasoned plant enthusiast. While Monsteras are well-known for their lush, tropical foliage and striking appearance, maintaining these plants happy and healthy requires knowing their light needs. In this article, we’ll describe the light requirements of your Monstera and show you the way to effective plant care.

Deciphering Monstera Light Needs

Before delving into the specifics of Monstera light requirements, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with these fascinating plants and the various varieties you may encounter.

What is a Monstera Plant?

Monstera is a genus of tropical plants native to Central and South America that are distinguished by their enormous, fenestrated leaves and distinctive climbing tendencies. Due to the characteristic perforations in their leaves, they are commonly referred to as “Swiss cheese plants.” Monsteras are low-maintenance and well-suited to indoor environments, which makes them a popular option among houseplant enthusiasts.

Types of Monstera and Their Sunlight Requirements

There are numerous species of Monstera plant, each with slightly different illumination needs. Monstera deliciosa, Monstera adansonii (also known as Mini Monstera), and Monstera Albo are among the most popular varieties. You need to be prepared to alter your environment according to the needs of the species you have chosen.

How Much Light Does a Monstera Plant Need?

Now that you have a better understanding of Monstera plants let’s examine the sunlight requirements of each variety.

Monstera sunlight

How Much Light Does a Monstera Deliciosa Need?

Monstera deliciosa, the most prevalent species of this plant, flourishes in indirect, bright light. According to plant specialist Dr. Leonard Perry of the University of Vermont, “Monstera deliciosa prefers light levels between 200 and 400 foot candles, which is moderate to brilliant indirect light.” It is important that you position the plant near a window that allows for filtered sunlight, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves.

How Much Light Does a Mini Monstera Need?

Mini Monstera, also known as M. adansonii, prefers strong but indirect light. However, this variety is more tolerant of low light than Monstera deliciosa. According to a study by Dr. Bruce T. Hargreaves, M. adansonii can still grow reasonably well with as little as 100 foot candles of light, although optimal growth occurs at higher light levels.

How Much Light Does a Monstera Albo Need?

Monstera albo, also known as Monstera deliciosa var. borsigiana albo-variegata, is a plant whose stunning white variegation necessitates strong, bright, indirect light. Similar to Monstera deliciosa, insufficient sunlight can cause the variegation to diminish, whereas direct sunlight can cause leaf damage. To maintain this plant’s vibrant appearance, it is essential to provide it with the proper amount of sunlight.

Does a Monstera Need a Lot of Light?

Although Monsteras enjoy indirect, bright light, it is important to establish a balance between providing enough light for growth and avoiding excessive light that could harm the plant.

The Importance of Light Exposure Equilibrium

Balanced light exposure is necessary for optimal plant development and health. Inadequate light may cause the plant to become lanky, with elongated stems and thinner, less windowed leaves. Too much direct sunlight, on the other hand, can cause leaf scorch, which results in unsightly brown or yellow spots on the foliage. 

So, what is the proper answer to the question, do your Monstera plants need a lot of light? First and foremost, you need to aim for balanced light exposure to ensure that your plants flourishes and retain their beautiful appearance.

Adjusting Light Levels for Optimal Plant Development

If your plants exhibit signs of insufficient or excessive sunlight, you must adapt to the lighting conditions. You may do so by:

  • Adjusting the plant’s distance from a window to increase or decrease its sunlight exposure.
  • Adding sheer draperies or blinds to filter direct sunlight and create an environment with diffused light your plants need.
  • Rotating the plant on a regular basis will ensure that all plant components receive an equal amount of sunlight.
  • Supplementing sunlight with artificial illumination, such as fluorescent or LED grow lights, if necessary.

Remember that monitoring the growth of your Monstera and adjusting the sunlight levels accordingly will help you achieve the ideal equilibrium for a happy and healthy plant.

To sum up, understanding how much light your Monstera needs is essential for successful plant maintenance. By providing the proper lighting conditions for each variety and preserving a balance between indirect sunlight and shade, you can maintain the vitality and health of your plant.

How Many Hours of Sunlight Does a Monstera Need?

monstera indirect light near window

The number of hours of sunlight required by your plant depends on the variety and specific demands of your Monstera plant. Light it receives should be indirect: this is really the most important recommendation you may have.

Assessing the Illumination Needs of Your Monstera

Generally speaking, Monsteras prefer 6 to 8 hours of intense, bright, indirect sunlight per day. This, however, can differ based on the specific type and intensity of sunlight in your space. The optimal number of sunlight hours for your plant can be determined by regularly observing the plant’s growth and searching for signs of inadequate or excessive light exposure. 

The Importance of Indirect Sunlight in Monstera Maintenance

To maintain the health and energy of your Monstera plant, it is essential to provide it with indirect sunlight. This means placing it in a location where the leaves are not directly exposed to sunlight, as this can cause damage to them. Choose instead a location near a window where the sunlight is partially blocked by sheer curtains or other objects. This will provide your plant with the necessary sunlight for growth without endangering leaf damage.

So, to sum up, the proper answer to the question of how many hours of light does a Monstera need is: start with 6 to 8 hours of indirect light and adjust this figure in accordance with your plant’s condition.

Frequently Asked Questions 

In this section you will find the answers to the most common questions about these remarkable plants.

How Much Light Does a Swiss Cheese Monstera Need?

In the case of M. adansonii or the Swiss cheese Monstera, the light should be indirect but intense. This variety can tolerate slightly lower lighting levels than M. deliciosa, but moderate to bright indirect sunlight promotes optimal growth.

Do Monstera Plants Require Full Sunlight?

In general, these plants do not require direct sunlight, and excessive direct sunlight can be damaging. They prefer indirect, intense light, which provides the necessary energy for growth without harming the leaves.

Can These Plants Flourish in Low-Light Environments?

While Monsteras can survive in low sunlight, their growth may be stunted, and their leaves may become smaller and less pinnate. It is ideal to provide indirect, bright light for optimal growth and vibrant foliage.

What Artificial Lighting Can I Use?

Options you have are numerous and include fluorescent lights (choose ones with labels “full spectrum” or “cool white” on them), incandescent lights (keep your plants far from them, though, as they generate a lot of heat), LED lights (buy ones with a label “horticultural ” rather than general-purpose bulbs), and, last but not least, the so called horticultural grow lights. Grow lights are an excellent option for the winter months when the Sun is very low, and your plants cannot get enough sunlight. You can also use them if your room is too dark and there is no other way for you to fix it. 


Understanding how much light does a Monstera need is essential for maintaining a healthy, flourishing plant. By evaluating your plant’s sunlight needs, providing the appropriate amount of indirect sunlight, and altering the lighting conditions as necessary, you can ensure that your plant remains an attractive addition to your indoor space.

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