4 Easy Methods to Make Your Own Window Homemade Cleaner

When compared to conventional glass cleaning products, using a window homemade cleaner has many advantages. A bottle of homemade window and glass cleaner often costs up to only $2, or about a third less than most commercial glass cleaning solutions.
Furthermore, making your own glass cleaner at home can also be a time-saving option, as many recipes call for simple, everyday ingredients that you may already have in your household. You can easily create a DIY windows cleaning solution with no additional expenses and no wasted time. In this article, you will find a step-by-step procedure for making the best homemade window cleaner with vinegar and other readily available materials found in your kitchen.
Why Should You Choose a DIY Cleaner?
If you plan to make a homemade window cleaner, you have chosen the right way. Homemade cleaners offer several significant benefits. For example, they don’t contain any toxic synthetic materials. These solutions (like one that uses distilled water and white vinegar) are environment-friendly. By creating your own cleaning solution, you can reduce the number of bottles that end up in landfills and minimize the fuel used to transport these products to stores.
The capacity to adapt the recipe to your precise requirements is another important advantage. You can customize your DIY windows cleanser to meet your unique demands because you have complete control over the quality and ingredient ratios. By doing this, you can make a recipe that is both safe and perfect for you while knowing precisely what is in it.
Tips Before Getting Started
- To avoid cloudy deposits on glass surfaces, use distilled water when making homemade cleaning solutions, especially if you live in an area with hard water. Distilled water is free of minerals like calcium and magnesium, in contrast, to tap water.
- Safety should always be a top priority when handling cleaning products, whether store-bought or homemade. Be sure to store them away from children, pets, and cooking supplies, as some ingredients can be harmful if consumed. Rubbing alcohol, for example, is flammable and should be kept away from heat sources.
- To keep track of your cleaning solutions, label the spray bottle clearly after mixing a batch of homemade window cleaner. If some of its components are toxic when swallowed, make sure to store them away from kids, pets, and cooking equipment.
Discover the Best Homemade Window Cleaner Recipes
Making your own glass cleaner is a fantastic way to save money while keeping your home spotless and free of harsh chemicals. Let’s get started.
1. Vinegar and Water Glass Cleaner
So, what is a good homemade window cleaner? If you value simplicity over everything else, this recipe will be ideal for you. You need nothing but two common household ingredients: white distilled vinegar and water. To make this powerful cleaning solution, follow these steps:
- Fill a glass spray bottle with equal parts white distilled vinegar and water.
- Lightly spray the solution onto the desired surface.
- Use a lint-free cloth to wipe away the solution and achieve a streak-free finish.
- Wait a few minutes for the vinegar scent to dissipate.
- Consider adding a few drops of essential oils to the cleaner to mask the vinegar smell.
- Enjoy your sparkling clean windows and other non-porous surfaces!
Start by spraying the mixture onto the glass surface in a manner akin to how you would use a commercial glass cleanser to get a streak-free finish when using your homemade window solution. Start at the top of the glass and work your way down to prevent drips.
The cleaner and any dirt or grime on the glass should be removed using a lint-free cloth or newspaper. To avoid any potential harm to the frame when cleaning a glass, you should spray the cleaning solution onto the cloth rather than straight onto the glass.
2. Dish Soap and Ammonia DIY Glass Cleaner
To make a compelling cleaning solution, you can use ammonia as your main ingredient. Due to its chemical properties, ammonia is incredibly powerful and cleans surfaces exceptionally well. However, if you want an eco-friendly cleaning, vinegar and water are better options.
To create your own traditional-style homemade window cleaning solution with ammonia, you will need the following components:
- 3 ¼ cups of warm water
- ½ cup of isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
- 2 tablespoons of ammonia
- ¼ teaspoon of Dawn Dish soap or a comparable brand
In a spray bottle, combine all the ingredients and gently shake it to mix. Spray the mixture on your glass surface and then wipe it off with a paper towel or microfiber cloth.
3. Dish Soap and Water
If you’re prepared to take on your outdoor windows, a simple mixture of water and dish soap might often suffice.
Begin by filling a bucket with two gallons of water, and then add a teaspoon of dish soap, such as Dawn. Thoroughly mix the solution before using a sponge to wash the windows.
Once the windows are clean, you can utilize a squeegee to remove the soapy water. To do this, run the squeegee straight across the window, ensuring that you dry it with a cloth after each pass. After wiping the entire glass, use a fresh towel to dry it thoroughly.
4. Dish Soap, Water, and Jet Dry
Want to get the best results possible? , Then make a homemade window cleaner using Jet Dry. Combining dish soap and Jet Dry rinse aid with water is an unfailing recipe tried by numerous people.
All you need to do is fill a bucket with one gallon of water and then add a tablespoon of Jet Dry and 4-5 tablespoons of dish soap. Before applying the solution, wet your windows with a garden hose. Next, use a sponge or microfiber mop to clean the glass. After washing, be sure to rinse the windows immediately with water.
Bottom Line
For optimal window cleaning results, it’s essential to use a solution that is both safe and natural without sacrificing effectiveness. By following these recipes for a window homemade cleaner, you will be able to achieve all of these goals and get spotless and crystal-clear windows. Last but not least, you can also use a homemade window cleaner with essential oils made by adding a few drops of essential oil to the vinegar-based cleaner: isn’t it great when your windows are not only clean but also smell nice?